Three Advisory Committees
- ICQ Committee for QA organizations
- ICQ Committee for SUD Treatment Services
- ICQ Committee for Patient/Families/Caregiver Advocacy Groups
The advisory committees represent the three stakeholder groups of ICQ. Each group reviews its terms of reference annually and develops annual work plans based on the mission, value proposition, and pillars of work outlined in the ICQ Strategic framework. The advisory committees look for opportunities to coordinate their work.
ICQ Committee for QA Organizations
QA agencies, such as inspectorates or accrediting bodies, government ministries or departments and funding bodies. The focus of this group is to develop a peer-led process to recognize agencies that operate in line with international guidelines, building a network of QA organizations with the international seal award, and establishing a broader learning network.
For more information on how to achieve the International Quality Seal Award, click here.
This Committee has been established, and the current membership includes:
- Care Quality Commission (CQC), QA Organization, England
- Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF), QA Organization, International
- The Joint Commission (TJC), QA Organization, United States of America
- Islamabad Healthcare Regulatory Authority (IHRA), QA Organization, Pakistan
- Superintendency of Health, QA Organization, Chile
- Jemima Burnage, QA Expert, England
- J. Randy Koch, QA Expert, United States of America
- Luis Alfonzo, QA Expert, United States of America
- Nancy Paull, QA Expert, United States of America
- Shamil Wanigaratne, United Arab Emirates
- Rita Notarandrea, Co-Chair, Canada
- Annette Dale-Perera, Co-Chair, Qatar
- Mariano Montenegro, Co-Chair, Chile
Quality Assurance Experts

Jemima Burnage
Jemima Burnage is a senior leader of health and social care in the UK with nearly three decades of experience in Quality Assurance, Governance, and Safeguarding. She currently holds the position of Chief Quality and Risk Officer at one of the UK's largest health and social care charities and is a founding member of the ICQ Board. Her previous experience includes working alongside the Department of Health and Social Care, as elected member of mental health faculty at the College of Social Work and she has also held a variety of leadership positions in a large NHS Trust. When she joined the QA Organizations Advisory Committee she was Director of Mental Health at the Care Quality Commission, the independent regulator of health and social care in England.

J. Randy Koch
United States of America
Dr. J. Randy Koch is a retired affiliate faculty in the Department of Psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University, who currently works as an independent consultant. He earned his doctorate in community psychology from Michigan State University in 1985. Prior to joining VCU in 2003, he was the Director of Research and Evaluation for the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, a position he held since 1989. His current work includes serving as a consulting Co-I on a tobacco control policy study at George Mason University, consulting with Fondation Joseph Lagesse (Mauritius) to assist them in their research and program evaluation agenda, and serving as Quality Assurance Expert to the International Consortium on Quality in Substance Use Disorders Treatment (ICQ).

Luis Alfonzo
United States of America
Psychiatrist, specialized in the development and management of public policies on mental health and substance use. Member of the QA Organizations Advisory Committee of the International Consortium on Quality in Substance Use Disorders Treatment (ICQ). His professional experience spans more than 40 years and includes clinical practice, university teaching, and for the last 30 years, the conduct of technical cooperation projects from international organizations in Latin America and the Caribbean. He currently serves as an international policy advisor on mental health and substance use for the Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission of the Organization of American States (CICAD/OAS), The Colombo Plan, and other independent projects.

Nancy Paull
United States of America
Nancy Edmonds Paull is the retired Chief Executive Director of Stanley St Treatment & Resources, Inc (SSTAR) having served in that role for over 35 years. During her tenure SSTAR grew from a small detoxification and outpatient service to a fully integrated primary and behavioral health organization; one of the first in the United States. During her tenure she developed and was responsible for the administration of two multi-service social/behavioral and healthcare organizations. She was a founding member of both the United Nations Treatnet Program under UNODC, and the Network for Improvement of Addiction Treatment (NIATx).
Post retirement she has worked as an advisor to the Spire Center, funded by NIDA a Brandeis/Harvard University collaboration; provided consultation to the government of the Maldives in 2022 funded by the United Nations; and is an advisor to the ICQ.

Shamil Wanigaratne
United Arab Emirates
Dr Shamil Wanigaratne is Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Visiting Associate, King’s College London. Until his retirement in 2022, he was Head of the National Rehabilitation Centre Abu Dhabi Training Institute, Acting Head of Research and Senior Advisor to H.E. the Director General. He was also Adjunct Professor at United Arab Emirates University. Previously, he held positions at the Maudsley Hospital London and King’s College London.
He is a WHO registered expert and UN Consultant and has advised the UK Department of Health, as well as the governments of Ireland, UAE, Sri Lanka, Palestine, and Sudan. He is a founding member of the British Psychological Society’s Faculty of Addiction and was its Chair from 2000 to 2001. He co-founded the UK-Sri Lanka Trauma Group and is currently its Chair. He is a Director of Samutthãna the King’s College London Center for Trauma, Displacement and Mental Health in Colombo. He is also Honorary Consultant to Mel Medura Addiction Treatment Centre, Colombo, Sri Lanka.
ICQ Committee for SUD Treatment Services
Individual services or organizations providing specialized substance use disorder treatment services including out-patient or community-based services, in-patient services or residential rehabilitation services. Peer-led QA process and resources for substance use disorders treatment.
ICQ Committee for Patient/Families/Caregiver Advocacy Groups
Patients, service users, family groups and caregivers who advocate for good quality drug treatment based on scientific evidence and in line with human rights. Peer-led, co-produced resources.