The term of the Board of Directors is yet to be determined but has been proposed as three years, renewable for two additional terms up to a maximum of nine years.
The Board of Directors receives the Terms of Reference, the annual work plans and the specific projects from the three Board Advisory Committees for approval. As part of the review of the annual work plans, the representatives from the Advisory Board Committees will look to coordinate their work across the three stakeholder groups.
The Board’s role and responsibilities include:
- Develop the overall strategy for ICQ.
- Develop the organizational structure and supporting documentation.
- Develop yearly and multi-year goals and objectives.
- Develop a membership strategy including recruitment and member expectations.
Board Members include:
Co-chairs from the 3 stakeholder Advisory Committees
- 2 representatives from the Advisory Committee of QA organizations
- 2 representatives from the Advisory Committee of Treatment Services
- 2 representatives from the Advisory Committee of Patient/Families/ Caregiver Advocacy Groups
3 to 5 experts in quality assurance and SUD systems and services
Members will have an expertise in QA and/or SUDs treatment and will have the skills to address the core pillars of work. Consideration will be given to geographic/regional representation, gender, knowledge of and experience related to QA and/or SUDs, as well as the SUDs system of care and treatment.
International Organizations (Observer status)
To promote greater transparency, coordination and promotion of ICQ work, the Board of Directors will have representation from the International Organizations (IOs), namely UNODC, INL, and OAS/CICAD. The IOs will have observer status and contribute to the discussions on how best to promote the vision, mission and values of ICQ and the activities related to ICQs 4 pillars of work.
ICQ Leadership Team
ICQ staff and Colombo Plan secretariat will support the work of the Advisory Board and assist in the development and implementation of the work plans.