
Brain Builder Learning Cards: Adverse Childhood Experiences

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
This resource presents five concepts critical to understanding adverse childhood experiences and their impact on brain development and health. The concepts are part of the Brain Story and include: brain architecture serve-and-return...

ISSUP Philippines Pre-Conference

ISSUP Webinar
ISSUP Philippines, in partnership with INL, US Embassy Manila, the Dangerous Drugs Board, and with support from ISSUP Global, presented their 3-Day Pre-Conference from January 27 to 29, 2021.

ISSUP Philippines Pre-Conference

Event Date
ISSUP Philippines, in partnership with INL, US Embassy Manila, the Dangerous Drugs Board, and with support from ISSUP Global, would like to invite you to their upcoming 3-Day Pre-Conference from January 27 to 29, 2021.
ISSUP Philippines Pre-Conference Event Flyer

12th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting

Event Date

EUSPR are pleased to announce that the 12th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting will take place online on 30th September – 1st October 2021, with workshops scheduled for the 29th September.

Essays on Prevention: Drug and Alcohol Findings Evidence Bank

The Effectiveness Bank features a collection essays written by Drug and Alcohol Findings explaining the background and evidence relating to topics which sometimes prompt heated debate. Interested in prevention work in particular? Drug and...

HIV Research for Prevention Conference

Event Date

Registration to the 4th HIV Research for Prevention Conference (HIVR4P // Virtual) is now open! Take part and access the latest in biomedical HIV prevention research and implementation in a new virtual format and accessible from around the world.

HIVR4P // Virtual will include the world’s leading HIV prevention researchers, implementers and advocates, along with the latest science in 29 research categories.

European Drug Prevention Prize 2021

The Pompidou Group calls for youth projects to submit applications for the 2021 edition of the European Drug Prevention Prize. The Prevention Prize is awarded to highlight outstanding drug prevention projects that have proved successful in...