
Adiktologie Journal Issue 3-4

The Adiktologie Journal is the professional journal for research concerning the prevention and treatment of addiction. Below, you can find articles that make up the December 2020 edition. EDITORIAL From Prevention Programmes to Health...

National Release of 'Listen First' in Slovenia

‘Listen First’ and ‘The Science of Care’ materials have been translated into Slovenian and are being released nationally in Slovenia by the Institute for Research and Development (UTRIP) through its ‘Prevention Platform’ programme, which is...

ISSUP Greece Launch Event

ISSUP Webinar
ISSUP Greece held their launch event on March 12th 2021. This Webinar introduced the new National Chapter in Greece in regards to what ISSUP has to offer worldwide and in Greece in particular.

ISSUP Greece Launch Event

Event Date
ISSUP Greece would like to invite you to attend their upcoming launch event on March 12th 2021. This Webinar will introduce the new National Chapter in Greece in regards to what ISSUP has to offer worldwide and in Greece in particular.

Prevention Portraits

Video and audio recordings
APSI is running a new series called Prevention Portraits, which includes a selection of informal interviews* with scientists, professionals and other stakeholders who are contributing to prevention knowledge and practice around the world.

Line Up Live Up

Sport can be a powerful tool to engage communities and prevent crime, violence and drug use among youth. As part of the Doha Declaration Global Programme, UNODC’s Youth Crime Prevention through Sport initiative has developed “Line Up Live...