
Exploring the International Standards of Prevention Practice and Professionalism

Event Date

As prevention professionals, we are fortunate today to have a collection of evidence-based strategies and interventions that have been shown to work effectively to prevent substance use and other problem behaviors.  The origins of this effective prevention toolbox are the result of over 30 years prevention research, which has provided rigorous scientific evidence of prevention methods that can  achieve the best outcomes.

UNODC Listen First Campaign

During the global pandemic in 2020, UNODC has focused the Listen First materials to increase support for prevention of drug use that is based on science and is thus an effective investment in the well-being of children and youth, their families and their communities, specifically during times of isolation and physical distancing.

Prevention Nuggets

APSI's Prevention Nuggets will address topics on prevention science and practice, etiology models, critical theories, ethics, environments for prevention, and many other issues fundamental to evidence-based prevention practice.