ISSUP Nigeria Newsletter – 2nd Edition
ISSUP Nigeria has released its second newsletter!
In this edition, the Chairman Board of Trustees shed some light on plans of ISSUP Nigeria chapter among other initiatives of the chapter.
The newsletter also provides detailed report on the launch of ISSUP Nigeria Chapter and collaborative partners.
The publication also includes a list of ongoing activities by members as well as upcoming events under the news column.
Press Statement - Substance Use Prevention and Treatment in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Ref: ISSUPNC/01/ADM/VOL.1/004 May 11, 2020
Launch of ISSUP Nigeria
The formal launch of the ISSUP Nigeria Chapter took place on October 17, 2019.
As part of the inauguration, the pioneer executive council of the ISSUP Nigeria Chapter, led by Dr Martin O. Agwogie, took their oath of office.
ISSUP Nijerya Haber Bülteni
ISSUP Nijerya ilk haber bültenini yayınladı!
Ulusal Bölümün arka planı ve Nijerya'daki çalışmaları yürüten harika ekip hakkında daha fazla bilgi edinin.
Haber bülteni, Nijerya'nın Temmuz ayında Avusturya'nın Viyana kentinde gerçekleşen 5. ISSUP Konferansı'ndaki faaliyetlerini anlatıyor.
Yayın ayrıca etkinliklerin ve eğitim fırsatlarının bir listesini de içerir.
Hoş geldin!
Timeline of Events 2016-2018
- December 7th to 11th, 2016 - first representation of Nigeria at ISSUP Global Conference, Campinas, Brazil
ISSUP Nigeria Lauch Event
The formal launch of ISSUP Nigeria Chapter is scheduled for 17th of October, 2019 at the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria.
The establishment of ISSUP Nigeria was progressed through relationships with ISSUP Global and attendance at their Global Conferences:
Members attended:
- Campinas, Brazil 2016 – 1
- Cancun, Mexico 2017 – 1
- Nairobi, Kenya 2018 – 32