
Careers in Social Work: Career Resource

Social Work is rich, stimulating, and one of the few careers which enables you to stand up for social injustice. The field of social work spans across multiple career options, depending on the type of social work degree you pursue and your...

Addiction Debates: Hot Topics from Policy to Practice

Addiction Debates explores the tumultuous landscape of addiction research, policy and practice. Covering all the 'hot topics' of the day in a balanced and informative manner, Comiskey provides international perspectives on each topic...

Supporting the Families of Substance Users

ISSUP Webinar
ISSUP Expert Days Event: Supporting the Families of Substance Users - An Interview with Vivienne Evans OBE Vivienne Evans OBE is an ISSUP Board member and Chief Executive of Adfam - the UK’s national umbrella organisation for children and...

Collision of the COVID-19 and Addiction Epidemics

Coronavirus is one of the most significant public health challenges we have faced in the past 100 years. Everyone is effected. However, the strain is particularly great for those working on the front line to detect and treat people who have...

Viruses and Places of Detention

The nature of places of detention is that they are constructed to maximize public safety. This is highly likely to lead to people living in very close proximity of each other in often overcrowded conditions, which increases the probability...

COVID-19 Preparedness and Responses in Prisons

Close to 11 million prisoners worldwide — as well as the officers who are charged with ensuring their safe, secure and humane custody — must not be forgotten during the COVID-19 pandemic. Countries should recognize the particular risks...

Second ISAM Webinar on COVID-19 and SUD: Recording & Materials

Video and audio recordings
The International Society of Addiction Medicine (ISAM) recognises the heightened challenges the pandemic will pose for people struggling with Substance Use Disorders. In order to address the issue, they are holding a series of webinars with...

Self-Care: 12 Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself

It is vital we practice self-care in order to protect our physical and mental wellbeing. Unfortunately, we fail to practice self-care, leading to fatigue, stress and ill-health. In this blog post, Tchiki Davis, Ph.D. describes the...