Are Smoking Bans Having the Desired Effect?
Reducing Alcohol Consumption Event
This free event will bring together researchers and practitioners in the field of excessive alcohol consumption reduction to discuss the latest research evidence and research evidence gaps. It
Webinar: Moving Evidence into Action
Although rates of substance use have declined among youth in Ontario, Canada key issues such as alcohol and tobacco use continue to be a concern. Many sectors, including health, justice, and education, have a role to play in addressing these issues.
Student Smokers in US at All-Time Low
USA and Europe: Drug Use Compared
Adieu to Stereotypes? Alcohol and Tobacco Consumption in France
19th European Health Forum
Life expectancy reaching a new high, changing fertility patterns, and internal and external migration leading to greater diversity are just some of the phenomena of demographic change currently being experienced in Europe. These all exert different pressures on European health systems, and innovations and visionary foresights are needed to turn these challenges into opportunities for sustainable solutions.