
The Lasting Health Effects of Alcohol Dependency

Scientific article
A new study conducted in the United States and subsequently published in the Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs suggests that those who suffered from symptoms of alcohol dependence during their youth may still experience the mental and...

Smoking to Cancer Death Ratio in the US

Scientific article
Smoking has for a long time been known to be a significant cause of cancer. A new article published by JAMA Internal Medicine suggests that the proportion of cancer deaths caused by smoking in the United States is highest in the South of...

75% of Teens See E-Cigarettes as a Safer Alternative to Tobacco

Scientific article
Almost 3 out of 4 teenagers in the United States think that e-cigarettes are less harmful or addictive than smoking tobacco, a new study has found. The researchers also found that increases in the perceived safety of what has become known...

The Cambridge Handbook of International Prevention Science

The Cambridge Handbook of International Prevention Science provides readers with a comprehensive global overview of the current status of prevention science. The handbook includes up-to-date research from more than 100 scholars from 27...
The Cambridge Handbook of International Prevention Science

Drug Use among Mexican Youth on the Rise

In recent years Mexico has seen a spike in drug use among teenagers. A new study analysed drug use among Mexican high school students over the past two decades. The study found that the number of young people who had tried drugs doubled...

Bullying and Substance Abuse

Scientific article
New research investigates the complex relationship between bullying and substance use among adolescents. The study, published in the journal Addictive Behaviors, identifies a number of processes involved with bullying that take into account...

Weaker Bones Linked to Cannabis Use

Scientific article
Research conducted at the University of Edinburgh has found a link between cannabis use and bone mass density. More specifically, the findings, recently published in the American Journal of Medicine, report that frequent cannabis users are...

Tobacco and Cancer Science Policy Webinar: E-Cigarettes

Debate continues over risks from e-cigarettes, such as encouragement of smoking among young people, while some observers stress possible reductions in numbers of existing tobacco smokers. This webinar features key experts presenting current...

Afghanistan National Drug Use Survey 2015

This five year survey is a global model for its rigor – the only national prevalence survey that I know of in the world where questionnaires were combined with 100% toxicology testing of three biological samples per person (hair, urine...
Afghanistan National Drug Use Survey, 2015