
Reducing the risk factors and enhancing the protective factors associated with initiating substance use. 

New Free Evaluation Tools from Prevention Plus Wellness

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) has updated their free program Pretest and Posttest Surveys and Fidelity Checklist for use by prevention providers to ensure their programs are being implement reliably and result in positive outcomes for...

Prevention and care of substance overdoses

ISSUP Webinar
ISSUP Kazakhstan invites you to take part in the upcoming webinar on the topic: 'Prevention and care of overdoses of psychoactive substances'. The widespread use of drugs, as well as the use of the Internet to distribute them, is becoming a...

Evaluating Substance Use Prevention Plus Wellness Programs: Free Webinar

Event Date
St. Augustine/Florida
United States


1. Identify purposes for evaluating substance use prevention programs.
2. Describe measurement tools and measures to assess substance use Prevention Plus
Wellness (PPW) programs.
3. Examine evaluation designs for determining risk/protective factor and behavior effects of prevention programs.
4. Explore case studies of PPW program evaluations.

Alcohol and substance use prevention in Africa

Scientific article
Substance use continues to be a key public health concern in Africa. Despite this, there have been few reviews that have examined the current research on the subject. This study examines the existing research on the prevention of alcohol...

ADIKTOLOGIE Journal 2/21

ORIGINAL ARTICLES PETRUŽELKA, B., BARTÁK, M., LAŠTOVKOVÁ, J. Biographic Burden and Initiation into the Use of Amphetamine-Type Stimulants from the Perspective of Users: The Qualitative Arm of the ATTUNE Research Study in the Czech...
Addiction Research ISSUP