
Reducing the risk factors and enhancing the protective factors associated with initiating substance use. 

Call for Papers- Dual Diagnosis in Older Adults

This new annual themed issue of Advances in Dual Diagnosis will focus on issues surrounding dual diagnosis in older adults in order to improve assessment intervention, treatment and care of older adults with dual diagnosis from both public...

The Pregnancy Edit

The Society for the Study on Addiction (SSA) Pregnancy Edit is a series of articles on alcohol-related harm in pregnancy, published on the Society for the Study of Addiction website in September 2021. Topic covered include: the framework...

Update Day on Prevention of Addictions in the Workplace

ISSUP Webinar
In collaboration with ISSUP Argentina, ISSUP Ecuador presented the Update on Prevention of Addictions at Work. The event took place on October 27, 2021 Aperture:• Jimena Kalawski - Chief of Demand Reduction OAS - CICAD Opening remarks and...

Drug Use at Universities - Staff's Perspective

Event Date

An open and honest conversation around drug-related issues at universities from the perspective of staff.

In this free webinar, different stakeholders from different universities will share their observations and experiences around student drug use.