Hi, I am excited to join the course. I am a Counselor from Botswana. I look forward to learning more in this course and interacting with other professionals involved in substance use therapies.
As i have already taken the ICAP 1 examination last May but nevertheless, it's a great opportunity to review UTC 2The Continuum of Care for Addiction Professionals Online.
Becky Vaughn
(ISSUP staff) - 26 de Outubro de 2021
This video will introduce you to the Self-Led Online Courses; how to navigate through the course and additional information on overarching themes that tie all of the courses together! The self-led online trainings will provide you with a comprehensive overview of the nature of change and an...
This network will welcome people who are taking the UTC, Course 2 online giving them an opportunity to network with other students as well as experts in the field. We will post here as soon as the online version is available.