CHILD CARRE Measure (English and Spanish versions)
Introduction: This measure is the first one created to assess detailed information about children in terms of substance use behavior and other life domains of functioning that may need treatment. The children’s life domains examined include: physical health status, school adjustment, vocational status, family function, peer relationship, substance use, psychiatric status, leisure and recreation activity, and legal situation.
This assessment is only one part of a three-part process:
Part 1: Screening instruments identify the potential presence of a substance use disorder as a first step toward a comprehensive assessment.
Part 2: This comprehensive assessment instrument provides detailed information about substance use behavior and domains of life functioning. Such an assessment provides a guide to which life areas are in need of treatment.
Part 3: Preparation and implementation of a comprehensive, integrated, problem and solution focused treatment plan.
This measure can be used for two purposes:
- To determine the severity of needs in various life domains that can benefit from treatment and help with treatment planning
- To measure the progress made in the treatment of the child with substance use behaviors. It provides a standardization of the assessment that will enable the comparison of behavior change within the child and between children and programs.
This measure can only be administered by trained individuals:
Only individuals who have been trained on the use of the measure by a credentialed trainer can administer it. The interviewer must understand the intent of each question- proper training allows for this education. The interviewer MUST be personable and supportive - capable of forming good rapport with all types of children. The interviewer must be able to help the child separate the problem areas and to examine them individually using the questions provided. The interviewer must understand the intent of the questions in the interview and the commitment to collecting the information in a responsible manner.