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SUD Training for the Criminal Justice Institutions and Universities of the Philippines

Shared by Livia - 14 April 2020
Originally posted by Teresita C. Castillo - 14 April 2020

The 8th Iteration of the Substance Use Disorder ( SUD ) Training for Criminal Justice Institutions and Universities of the Philippines – Walkthrough Training on the Universal Treatment Curriculum ( UTC ) 1 & 2 and Developing Community-Based Recovery Support Systems ( DCBSS ) Curriculum was held last February 3 -13, 2020 at the Novotel Araneta Center, Cubao, Quezon City, Philippines.

This 1st training initiative for 2020 is supported by the Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme and funded by International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, U.S. Embassy, Manila. Twenty-one participants for this cycle underwent a vetting process before being selected to attend. Various agencies from the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency ( PDEA), Philippine National Police ( PNP) and Local Government Units (LGUs) were represented.

The training aims to enhance the understanding of the participants on the multi-factorial nature of substance use and how the criminal justice system can provide community-based support to people with substance use disorder and how the criminal justice institutions can support treatment and recovery of affected individuals.

Mr. Erry Wijoyo, focal person from DAP was Project Coordinator for this training initiative. Facilitators for UTC 1 & 2 were Global Master Trainers / ISSUP Phils Chapter members: Katherine Dela Cruz, Edna Luz Abulon and Jay Valderrama; for Community Based Recovery Support System: Teresita Castillo, Sarah Araullo and Jayvee Aquino.

Closing ceremonies for both curriculums were graced by Mr. Brandon Hudspeth, Director of INL-US Embassy in Manila, Dangerous Drugs Board Permanent Board Member, Usec. Benjamin Reyes, and officials from the Phil Drug Enforcement Agency ( PDEA ) and Phil National Police ( PNP).  Atty. Jona Santos from INL US Embassy Manila and Veronica Felipe former CP DAP Directors were also present.