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Statistical and Research Consultant- UNODC

Shared by Anonymous -
Originally posted by Edie -

The Implementation Support Section (ISS) in the Organized Crime and Illicit Trafficking Branch (OCB) of the Division for Treaty Affairs (DTA) of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) provides, inter alia, advice, technical support and project guidance on the implementation and practical application of the international conventions to which UNODC provides secretariat support.

Specific tasks to be performed by the consultant:

a) Develop an annotated table of content of the Report to be reviewed and approved by the supervisor. This table will serve as the basis for the Report. 
b) Collect qualitative and quantitative information on illicit drugs seizures and trafficking, illicit crop cultivation and production based on information provided by the Member states (based on Annual Reports Questionnaire - ARQ, submitted by governments for 2019 and previous years) as well as internal and external sources;
c) Collate and structure collected information for further analysis;
d) Conduct an in-depth analysis of the latest trends in illicit drugs trafficking at the regional and global levels;
e) Draft the report “World situation with regard to drug trafficking” with the latest global trends in illicit drugs trafficking (to be presented at the CND in March 2020). The report should be developed in lines with the standards set in the report presented to the CND in March 2019