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ISSUP Ukraine Work Plan: 2019-2020

Shared by Livia - 3 January 2020
Originally posted by Livia - 3 January 2020
ISSUP Ukraine


  • Establish networks among the major DDR organizations and people working in the country 
  • Conduct trainings on DDR for different groups of specialists
  • Create a national workgroup on UTC/UPC implementation strategy, start the process of UTC/UPC National Trainers preparation 
  • Organize a one-day workshop on Drug Demand Reduction
  • Raise awareness of ISSUP within different groups in the country and promote ISSUP National Chapter activities
  • Present ISSUP Ukraine at the National Mental Health Conference, organized by the Ukrainian Psychiatry Association and Research Institute of Psychiatry, 22-24 April 2020.
  • Initiate further activities among ATTC Ukraine partners (PEPFAR funded agencies, NGOs and state organizations and leading specialists involved in substance use treatment and prevention programs or policy-making) 
  • Create positive social media activity (create Facebook page and fill it with ISSUP National Chapter activities and information on DDR)