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Research Fellow- University of Stirling

Shared by Edie -
Originally posted by Edie -

Project Summary
This project addresses national priorities of improving the mental health of the Scottish population and reducing the harms caused by substance use, by focusing on understanding health service access among a group who have very high rates of mental health and substance use needs - people released from prison.

The successful candidate will work as central part of a supportive interdisciplinary team made up of researchers with expertise in applied health, social science, social policy, data science, and epidemiology, as well colleagues with experience of imprisonment and health care provision in justice contexts.

Description of Duties 

The successful applicant will be responsible for day-to-day running of the study and will have responsibility for analysing linked administrative data. Principally, this will involve:

  • Working closely with an interdisciplinary and inter-institutional team to ensure successful day to day management, coordination, and administration of the study
  • Regularly meeting the PIs to report on progress, resolve any theoretical, technical, or analytical issues, and discuss dissemination strategies
  • Management and analysis of large linked administrative datasets held within the National Safe Haven
  • Reporting regularly to research team meetings