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Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez

Offering Universal Family-Focused Prevention to Parents of Adolescents in Pediatric Primary Care

Jose Luis Vazquez Martinez - 30 June 2021

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly disrupted the implementation of prevention programs. In a virtual meeting on Tuesday, April 20, 2021, Dr. Margaret Kuklinski from the University of Washington will briefly describe her role as a prevention scientist and health economist at the Social Development Research Group. She will then turn attention to the Guiding Good Choices for Health study, a test of the feasibility and effectiveness of offering Guiding Good Choices to parents in three sizeable integrated healthcare systems in California, Colorado, and Michigan. Dr. Kuklinski will describe the Guiding Good Choices intervention, opportunities for extending the reach of effective prevention approaches through primary care, the design and critical questions addressed in the study, implications of COVID-19, and preliminary learnings from early implementation.