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Médico Especialista en Psiquiatría

Shared by Edie - 20 June 2021
Originally posted by Carmen Gloria Betancur Moreno - 19 June 2021

Employment is offered at the Mental Health and Addiction Clinic in the city of Concepción, Chile, for psychiatrists, with training and/or professional experience working with patients suffering from addictions and, ideally, also working with patients with other complex mental pathologies.

The position is 22 hours per week and includes working directly with patients, participating in clinical meetings with other team members, working in clinical program management and supporting the group team and psychoeducational therapies with patients and their families, as well as participating in bibliographic meetings and supervising students in practice from different universities in the region.

It is expected of him or the interested party, motivation to work in this field, ability to work as a team, responsibility and commitment to our long-term project, which already has 7 years of development and is composed of a team composed of 30 professionals in the field.

Those who wish to apply, write to cgbeta [at] gmail [dot] com, with a copy for finanzas [at] sepya [dot] cl