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Community Involvement Engagement and Participation (PCIEP) Coordinator

Shared by Edie - 2 June 2021
Originally posted by Edie - 2 June 2021

An experienced and highly motivated individual is required to coordinate public and community involvement, engagement and participation for the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) National Priorities Programme in mental health, including children and young people. The aim of the programme is to catalyse and evaluate the co-produced implementation of high impact, evidence-based mental health interventions, at key stages of the life course, supra-regionally or nationally within 3 years. 

The post-holder will bring their research and project management skills to coordinate public and community involvement, engagement and participation.  

The post holder will work closely with the PCIEP lead and with each of the programme’s work streams to ensure PCIEP is embedded at all levels. The post holder will also work closely with the programme’s bespoke consortium (the ‘Mental Health Implementation Network’ [MHIN]) of key cross-disciplinary, cross-sector, government, NGO, clinical, commissioner, academic, service users, carers, members of the public and communities (PCIEP) stakeholders in co-producing and delivering key aspects of the programme and to establish effective ways of involving the consortium in the programme’s 5 workstreams (WS).
