
SPR: Call for Papers for Special Issue

The Society for Prevention Research is gathering research for a forthcoming special issue of the journal Prevention Science. The title of the special edition is “Transparency, Openness, and Reproducibility: Implications for the Field of...

SPR: Call for Emerging, Hot Topic Abstracts

The Society for Prevention Research (SPR) welcome you to submit an “emerging, hot topic” abstract for an individual poster presentation, an organized paper symposium or a roundtable discussion/scientific dialogue at the SPR 2020 Annual...

Revista Internacional de Investigación en Adicciones

La Revista Internacional de Investigación en Adicciones (RIIAD), editada por Centros de Integración Juvenil A.C., tiene el propósito de desarrollar una plataforma para la publicación semestral bilingüe (español e inglés) de hallazgos...

11th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting

Event Date

The EUSPR Board has decided to move its Eleventh Conference and Members’ Meeting and Workshops to an online event. The face to face event scheduled October 7th -9th 2020 in Lisbon, Portugal is cancelled.

PhD studentships- SSA

Overall purpose: to provide the opportunity to pursue a PhD in addiction science registered at a UK university and hosted at an appropriate organisation which, in the opinion of the Trustees (or officers with devolved authority), furthers...

Scaife Medical Student Fellowship in Substance Use Disorders

With the generous support of the Scaife Family Foundation, the Institute for Research, Education and Training in Addictions (IRETA) is able to conduct this specialised program. The program offers medical students an intensive learning...

Centre for Behaviour Change (CBC) Conference

Event Date
United Kingdom

The UCL Centre for Behaviour Change is excited to announce the 6th annual digital health conference ‘Behaviour Change for Health: current and emerging science and technologies’ from the 06 -07 April 2020.

Lisbon Addictions: Presentations & Posters

Following their 2019 conference, the Lisbon Addictions team have gathered posters and information about the presentations from the event. The co-producers have built coherent packages of topical strands, sessions and guided poster tours...