
Call for Speakers: Webinars on the World Drug Report 2020

The VNGOC together with the UNODC Civil Society Team will be holding a series of webinars to present and discuss the World Drug Report 2020, which was launched on 26th June. We are looking for civil society speakers wishing to present at...

Tobacco Control Research Agenda for Africa

This call for proposals is based on the Centre for Tobacco Control in Africa (CTCA) Research Agenda developed with collaborative support from several partners, to address gaps in tobacco control research. CTCA supports innovative research...

New Horizons 2020: Call for applications

Applications are now invited for Alcohol Change UK's New Horizons grants programme for innovative and future-facing academic research on 'Groups, Communities and Alcohol Harm'. The new grants programme will fund up to four research projects...

MARC PhD Scholarships 2020

The Monash Addiction Research Centre (MARC) is offering scholarships to domestic students who wish to undertake the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) on alcohol and other drug-related projects that align with MARC’s core Workplan areas...

SPR 2020 Virtual Conference

Event Date

As the premiere prevention research conference, the SPR Annual Meeting provides a unique opportunity to advance the vision of SPR by providing a centrally integrated forum for the exchange of new concepts, methods, and results from prevention research and related public health fields; and by providing a forum for the communication between scientists, public policy leaders and practitioners concerning the implementation of evidence-based preven

William White Scholarship

The William White Scholarship was created to promote student addiction studies research and develop the importance of student research projects in NASAC accredited programs, NAADAC approved programs in higher education, or an accredited...

Importance of a Standard Unit Dose for Cannabis Research

Scientific article
A standardized measure for 9‐tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) content in cannabis products is necessary to advance research both on the adverse effects of cannabis (e.g. risks for brain development, mental illness and addiction) and on the drug's...

EUSPR 2020 Call for Abstracts

EUSPR 2020 is being held in Lisbon, Portugal (at EMCDDA) on 8th and 9th October 2020, with workshops and project meetings scheduled for the pre-conference day, October 7th. The theme this year is ‘Make prevention science relevant for all...