New Trends in Education and Training Programs in Addictions at the Higher Education and University Levels
A broad range of professionals, training opportunities, and regional differences exist in the addiction study field worldwide. This educational variety poses a challenge in proposing a precise classification of study programs...
The Master’s in Drug Dependence at the University of Barcelona: Historical Perspective and Future Challenges
The two-year, multidisciplinary Master’s in Drug Dependence (MDD) at the University of Barcelona was created in 1986, after some years of offering shorter seminars. It was a response to the heroin crisis of the 80s and 90s and...
Implementing and Evaluating the UPC to Promote Capacity Building among Drug Demand Reduction Practitioners in Nigeria: Lessons Learned and Future Directions
There has been a growing need to improve the knowledge and skills of addiction practitioners worldwide. The development of the Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC) is one effort to address these needs. This paper is the first...
Developing Curriculum for the Training of Non-Specialist in Addiction Studies in Nigerian Universities: The Journey of Nigerian ICUDDR Team
This article describes the need to develop a workforce to address the public health burden of drug use in Nigeria. Central to workforce development is the development and implementation of a substance use curriculum.
...Supporting Emergency Remote Teaching Due to Coronavirus Pandemic: Problem Solving Group at ICUDDR
The COVID-19 pandemic has been challenging for all and has had a particular effect on university-level educators. Although the use of technologies in education is recognised as critical in developing transversal skills and...
Training Needs Assessment of Specialists Who Provide Care to People with Substance Use Disorders in Ukraine
In Ukraine, substance use disorders (SUDs) and rates of HIV infection are growing, the number of specialists does not meet country’s addiction treatment demands, and the quality of the care is often insufficient and does not...
Maintaining the Provision for Professional Development in the COVID Era: Three Practical Examples
ISSUP participated in the European Society of Prevention Research (EUSPR) 2021 Conference which took place online from the 29th of September to the 1st of October by presenting an oral poster that focussed on three practical examples of...
Comprehensive Evaluation of the Online Lifelong Education Course Prevention and Treatment of Substance Use Disorders for Physicians in the Czech Republic: Study Protocol
The course Prevention of Harmful Substance Use and Addiction Treatment is an integral and mandatory part of postgraduate medical education in the Czech Republic. Its aim is to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and...
Profesionalización y fortalecimiento del campo laboral en reducción de la demanda
Coordinado por Livia Edegger, directora adjunta de la International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP), los especialistas en este panel hablaron sobre la importancia de crear y robustecer la fuerza laboral en la reducción de la...
Treatment and Prevention of Substance Use and Mental Health Problems
This training session on Treatment and Prevention of Substance Use and Mental Health Problems was conducted at the Department of Psychology, University of Karachi psychology graduates and faculty members.
Training workshop on" Trauma Management" for national trainers
this training workshop was organized by Aga Khan Agency for Habitat to train the national trainers (Community Emergency Response Team). 25 national trainers from different provinces attended this training workshop.
Психикалық денсаулық және нашақорлық саласындағы мамандар үшін «Скрининг, қысқаша араласу және емдеуге жіберу» тақырыбында жаттықтырушылар семинарын өткізу.
Аталған оқу шеберханасының мақсаты осы оқу шеберханасын бүкіл ел бойынша көбейте алатын мамандар/жаттықтырушылар тобын дамыту болып табылады. Осы мақсатқа жету үшін біз олардың уытқұмарлық проблемалары, скрининг, бағалау ұғымдары мен...
Substance Use Among Adolescents: Risk and Protective Factors
On December 2nd, CICAD's Demand Reduction Unit organised an online event on "Substance Use Among Adolescents: Risk and Protective Factors". The event is part of a series of international dialogues between Africa, Asia, Latin America and the...
National Drug and Alcohol Facts Week®
National Drug & Alcohol Facts Week® will be held March 21-27, 2022.
Registration opens on November 1, 2021.
Join NIDA for NDAFW and help share facts about drugs, alcohol, and addiction in your community. Sign up for the latest news...
Registration opens for European Drugs Winter and Summer Schools 2022
The EMCDDA and the University Institute of Lisbon (ISCTE-IUL) are pleased to open registration for two upcoming joint events in 2022: the European Drugs Winter School (EDWS) and the European Drugs Summer School (EDSS)
The two-week online...
UTC 4A оқыту туралы есеп - 2021 жылғы қыркүйек
Minority Fellowship Program
The NBCC Foundation and NAADAC are pleased to announce the 2022 application period for the National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) Minority Fellowship Program for Addictions Counselors (MFP-AC) is now open. This program is made...
UNODC Trains Team of National Trainers from Kyrgyzstan within the Advanced Level of the Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance Use Disorders
The UNODC Regional Office for Central Asia supported a training of trainers (ToT) on the Course 11 “Enhancing Motivational Interviewing Skills”. This course is part of the Advanced Level of the Universal Treatment Curriculum for Substance...
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