"NAVCHETNA: A new Consciousness on Life Skills and Drug Education for School Children."
ISSUP India in collaboration with the Ministry of Education (MoE), and the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (MSJE) of the Government of India developed a teacher trainer resource module called "NAVCHETNA: A new Consciousness on Life...
Webinar on Addiction Prevention for Youth
The International Society of Substance Use Professionals (ISSUP) Indonesia and the Indonesia International Training and Treatment Centre (ITTC) together hosted the second webinar on "Addiction Prevention for Youth" on Sunday, May 21, 2023...
Consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en muestras de la población escolar Guatemalteca
Se realizó una investigación conformada por 4 trabajos de graduación de maestría, con metodología mixta descriptiva, las cuales versan sobre los diferentes factores de riesgo que provocan en los estudiantes de Guatemala, que llegan a caer...
Buenos Aires - 2023 - Día 2 - Panel sobre Gestión de Conocimiento
Presented as part of the Conferencia Regional de ISSUP Buenos Aires event, on the 20th of April, 2023
Moderadora: Livia Edegger
- José Luis Vázquez Martínez – OEA/CICAD
- Roberto Canay – ISSUP Argentina
- Verónica Brasesco – ISSUP...
Buenos Aires - 2023 - Día 2 - Panel - Prácticas de Prevención
Presented as part of the Conferencia Regional de ISSUP Buenos Aires event, on the 20th of April, 2023
Moderadora: Valeria Fratto, ISSUP Argentina
- Prevención Comunitaria en Chile e Índice Comunal de Prevención: Instrumento para la...
Buenos Aires - 2023 - Día 2 - Panel Lineamientos e Implementación de la Prevención
Presented as part of the Conferencia Regional de ISSUP Buenos Aires event, on the 20th of April, 2023
Moderadora: Jésica Suárez - ISSUP Argentina
- Prevención Basada en Evidencia - Otger Amatller, ISSUP España – Universitat de...
Буэнос-Айрес - 2023 - Día 2 - Panel Evaluación de Servicios de Tratamiento en la Región Latinoamericana
2023 жылғы 20 сәуірде Conferencia Privance de ISSUP Buenos Aires іс-шарасы шеңберінде таныстырылды
Модерадора: Вероника Бразеско, ISCUP Аргентина
- Evaluación de Resultados de los Programas de Tratamiento en Chile - Пабло Карвачо...
Buenos Aires - 2023 - Día 2 - Panel Estigma, Estrategias y Calidad en el Tratamiento
Presented as part of the Conferencia Regional de ISSUP Buenos Aires event, on the 20th of April, 2023
Moderadora: Carolina Gorlero, ISSUP Argentina
- Abordaje Territorial, Cuidado y Accesibilidad a los Tratamientos - Gabriela Torres...
Buenos Aires 2023 - Día 1 - Composición Cambiante de las Drogas en las Calles de América Latina: El Riesgo del Fentanilo
Presented as part of the Conferencia Regional de ISSUP Buenos Aires event, on the 19th of April, 2023
Moderadora: Graciela Berardi, ISSUP Argentina
- Composición cambiante de las drogas en las calles de América Latina - Thom Browne Jr...
Buenos Aires 2023 - Día 1 - Panel Alternativas al Encarcelamiento
2023 жылғы 19 сәуірде Conferencia Privance de ISCUP Buenos Aires іс-шарасы шеңберінде таныстырылды
Модерадора: Элиза Рубини, OEA/SE-CICAD
- Desafíos del Tratamiento de Personas con Trastornos por Abuso de Sustancias en Contacto con la...
The Role of Parents in Preventing Substance and Behavioral Addiction
The webinar prevention series on the role of parents in preventing substance and behavioral addiction, organized by ISSUP Indonesia and ITTC Indonesia, took place on Sunday, 16 April 2023, from 10.00-12.00 PM (GMT+7). The primary objectives...
Indonesia's INEP Plus Online Training
ISSUP Indonesia organized the Introduction to Evidence-Based Prevention (INEP) Online Course as a national-level training in Indonesia with 17 participants. The training, conducted by Dr.dr. Kristiana Siste, SpKJ, and Dr. Elvina K...
World No Tobacco Smoking Day- Visit at ANF by The University of Lahore Students
On May 31, 2023, on the occasion of World No Tobacco Smoking Day, a visit was organized at Regional Directorate Anti Narcotics Force (ANF) Punjab, Lahore Office to meet newly appointed Director Commander Raja Tarqi Kiyani to discuss their...
Buenos Aires 2023 - Día 1 - Panel Introducción a los Esfuerzos Regionales en el Ámbito de la Reducción de la Demanda de Drogas
Presented as part of the Conferencia Regional de ISSUP Buenos Aires event, on the 19th of April, 2023
Moderador: Nicolas Poliansky, ISSUP Argentina
- Presentación ISSUP Global y Plan de Trabajo Capítulos Nacionales en la Región - Li...
Buenos Aires 2023 - Día 1 - Ceremonia de Apertura
Presented as part of the Conferencia Regional de ISSUP Buenos Aires event, on the 19th of April, 2023
Training of Master Trainers on the "NAVCHETNA" module
ISSUP India chapter in collaboration with the Ministry of Education (MoE), the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment (MSJE), Government of India developed a teacher trainer resource module called "NAVCHETNA: A new Consciousness on Life...
Introduction to SAMHSA 4E’s Modern and Comprehensive Prevention System
SAMHSA recently introduced the 4 E’s as a “Modern and Comprehensive Prevention System” to support the work of prevention providers in States and communities.
The 4 E’s: Early Action, Easy Access, Equitable Opportunities and...
Treatment for drug and alcohol misuse should involve families and communities
Alcohol and other drug treatment are generally only provided for individuals, often away from their families. Treatment aims to improve well-being and reduce the harms of substance use and families and communities can play a significant...
How alcohol consumption contributes to chronic pain
A team showed how both alcohol intake and alcohol withdrawal can lead to increased pain and hypersensitivity.
Chronic alcohol consumption may make people more sensitive to pain through two different molecular mechanisms -- one driven by...