
Assemblea generale annuale 2019

ISSUP Kenya AGM si è tenuto il 7/9/2019. L'oratore chiave è stato il dottor Mercy Karanja, psichiatra consulente,
Vice direttore dei servizi medici: persona focale per la gestione dell'uso di sostanze, divisione di salute mentale, ministero della salute. 


ISSUP Kenya incontra l'ambasciatore austriaco

Mille grazie a Sua Eccellenza Christian Fellner, Ambasciatore austriaco in Kenya per aver incontrato il team di ISSUP Kenya presso l'Ambasciata Austriaca di Nairobi. È stata una condivisione  d'onore sulla riduzione della domanda di droga (esperienza in Kenya e Austria), questo in preparazione della conferenza ISSUP V a Vienna. Presenti: il Presidente ISSUP Kenya Evans Oloo, i membri esecutivi Dr. Richard Gakunju e Susan Ruturi  


UTC Substance Use Disorders training delivered by ISSUP Kenya, June 2019

The Director General Kenya National Youth Service (NYS) Madam Matilda Sakwa, EBS- officially opened UTC training on Substance Use Disorders conducted by ISSUP Kenya.

Planning meeting for 4th ISSUP Workshop 

In November 2017 ISSUP Kenya and the National Authority for the Campaign Against Alcohol and


Annual General Meeting, July 2018

ISSUP Kenya held its Annual General Meeting on 14th July 2018. The meeting brought together the membership and Executive Committee to review the past years activities and report on the plans for the next six months. The forum also inducted 17 new members and issued them with membership certificates. Officiating the meeting was the President Mr. Oloo. Other members present were Dr. Richard Gakunju who updated members on ISSUP Global activities, Dr Beatrice Kathungu and Dr.


ISSUP Kenya Launch

ISSUP Kenya was officially launched during the opening ceremony of the NACADA, ISSUP and African Union


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