
ISSUP Kenya and ISSUP Uganda participate in "Connecting The Parallels Workshop Series"

ISSUP Kenya and ISSUP Uganda participated in a two day event dubbed "Connecting The Parallels Workshop Series". It was sponsored by Svenska Institute, Sweden under the East African Network (EAN) on drugs prevention and


Settimana nazionale per la prevenzione dell'uso di sostanze in Kenya

ISSUP Kenya, in collaborazione con partner chiave, ha orchestrato una serie di iniziative di grande impatto durante la Settimana nazionale per la prevenzione dell'uso di sostanze, osservata dal 19 al 23 febbraio 2024. Il punto focale di questi sforzi è stata la creazione di consapevolezza presso il Politecnico Nazionale di Kiambu, affrontando in particolare le questioni relative ai disturbi da uso di sostanze.


Congresso ISAM 2023 a Marrakech

All'inizio di novembre, ISSUP e ISSUP Kenya hanno partecipato al 25° Congresso Annuale della Società Internazionale di Medicina delle Dipendenze (ISAM) a Marrakech, in Marocco.


Who Helps The Helper? A Skills Transfer Program for Behavioural and Substance Use Professionals

ISSUP Kenya cordially invites you to our upcoming webinar on October 24th, 2023. Gain insights from clinical practice, mentorship, and supervision programs that equip novice mental health professionals with practical skills.

Integrating Wellness in the Addiction Recovery Process

ISSUP Kenya would like to invite you to their upcoming Webinar on Wellness and Addiction Recovery.

Women, Religion, Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Stigma

ISSUP Kenya invites you to attend their upcoming webinar on Women, Religion, Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Stigma.

Trattamento e prevenzione dei disturbi da uso di sostanze sul posto di lavoro

ISSUP Kenya desidera invitarti al loro webinar sull'uso di sostanze sul luogo di lavoro.

Character Strengths and Recovery from Addiction

ISSUP Kenya would like to invite you to their upcoming Webinar on Insights from Positive Psychology and Psychology of Religion as applied to treatment and recovery from addiction.

INEP Plus Hybrid Facilitators Course

Sammy Ombisa and Ann Mumbi Waigwa will be leading a new INEP Plus Hybrid Facilitators Course beginning on 29th April at 8:30am EAT time.

Outreach Courtesy Call to the Administration Police Service

On Thursday 16th February ISSUP (K) President Dr. Pamela Kaithuru and Deputy President Catherine Muthiani paid a courtesy call on Director Kanini, Head of Medical Services, Administration Police Services. They introduced ISSUP to the Administration Police Service and discussed possible areas of collaboration. The director was joined by Dr Muthondeki, Head of Mental Wellness, APS. The successful meeting will be followed by a proposal identifying areas and modalities of partnership.


Share YOUR Knowledge

If you have any news, research, publications or events to share from your work or your country, please add to the ISSUP Knowledge Share. This will ensure that this information reaches both the international community and your national colleagues. Thank you!

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