GISA raises alarm over danger of synthetic drug abuse
UNODC World Drug Report 2024: Harms of world drug problem continue to mount amid expansions in drug use and markets
Highlights from the 2024 UNODC World Drug Report
Penalties for drug law offences in Europe at a glance
This resource facilitates the examination and comparison of penalties or rehabilitative measures for primary drug-related offenses such as drug use, possession for personal use, and supply-related crimes across European countries...
Lancement d’une nouvelle coalition mondiale pour lutter contre les menaces liées aux drogues synthétiques
World Drug Report 2023
Faits saillants du Rapport mondial sur les drogues 2023 de l'ONUDC
The Global Report on Cocaine 2023
Irregular Migration, Drug Use and Drug Trafficking in Sub-Saharan Africa; Libya and Nigeria
Background: This study examined the context of drug use and trafficking in irregular migration among identified Nigerian-returned migrants from Libyan detention centers in the transit or destination along the Mediterranean...
Webinaire bimensuel : Série de mises à jour des connaissances de l’ISSUP Nigeria (quatorzième session)
DESK REVIEW: Support for People with Substance Use Disorder in Ukraine During the War
War in Ukraine has inevitably led to the country's health system functioning at reduced capacity. Attacks near hospitals and active military operations force people to change their place of residence and flee from the war to...
Национальный круглый стол по завершенному исследованию распространенности новых психоактивных веществ
How can the illicit drug control field inform the tobacco endgame?
This webinar presented ways the illicit drug control field can inform the tobacco endgame.
The regulation of tobacco and substances that have traditionally been Illicit (e.g., cannabis) are heading in opposite directions with tobacco...
‘Ten Years Later’ – Developing Institutional Mechanisms for Drug Demand Reduction and Addictology Education in Georgia – A Case Study
During the last ten years, Georgia made several important accomplishments in responding to the country’s drug problem. Specifically, in 2011, an interagency national drug coordinating body was established within the Ministry...
New Psychoactive Substances (NPS): Black market and policy of new psychoactive substances in the Asia region
From harm to hope: A 10-year drugs plan to cut crime and save lives
Executive summary
The 10-year UK Government plan to combat illegal drugs sets out how we are doing more than ever to cut off the supply of drugs by criminal gangs and give people with a drug addiction a route to a productive and drug...
Nouvelles substances psychoactives (NSP) : hallucinogènes synthétiques/dépresseurs synthétiques
Marchés de la drogue de l’UE: analyse approfondie
Les drogues illicites sont une grosse affaire. Elles constituent l’une des principales activités génératrices de profits de la criminalité organisée et on estime qu’elles représentent environ un cinquième des produits de la criminalité dans...