
Cette formation, organisée par le   Drug Advisory Programme (DAP), en collaboration avec le Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) du Département d'État des États-Unis,  se déroule en ligne et  regroupe les professionnels de la prévention nommés par leurs pays suivants : ALGERIE, CAMEROUN, COTE D’IVOIRE, HAITI, SEYCHELLES, TOGO, TUNISIE.
ISSUP Indonesia mempersembahkan Webinar dalam rangka menyongsong Peluncuran ISSUP National Chapter Indonesia: "The Forgotten: Substance Use Disorders and Behavior Addiction in Indonesia Amid COVID-19 Pandemic"
No dia 11 de abril de 2021 completaram-se dois anos da criação da nova Política Nacional sobre Drogas – PNAD Drogas são uma preocupação a nível mundial e até antes do atual governo era um tema tratado “levianamente” no Brasil. As estatísticas de evidências científicas mostram que a droga é causa e consequência de vários fatores que destroem a sociedade civil.
Learn about the successful INEP Plus pilot programme and its potential to make a major contribution to professional development in prevention.
ISSUP Chile te invita a participar de un webinar sobre estándares de calidad en el tratamiento de las drogas y cómo incorporarlos a los servicios de tratamiento en Chile El webinar tendrá lugar el jueves 6 de mayo de 2021 a las 12:00 p.m. (hora de Chile)
ISSUP Nigeria has released its fifth Newsletter! This edition features a message from the President of ISSUP Nigeria Chapter, how to prevent burnout by substance use prevention professionals, report on courtesy visits, webinars and a focus on state coordinators. The publication also includes information on the 4th and 5th Nigeria Chapter bi-monthly webinars, a list of ongoing activities by members as well as upcoming events and trainings under the news column. Enjoy it!
ISSUP South Africa and South Africa ITTC would like to invite you to attend their upcoming Webinar on The Child Justice Act, 2008 (Act 75 of 2008) and the use/possession of cannabis by children.
Целью данного мероприятия является ознакомления с деятельностью ISSUP и его всемирной сети национальных отделений лицам работающих в сфере сокращения спроса на наркотики и профлактики наркомании в Таджикистане.
Please join us for our very first ISSUP-ICUDDR joint webinar! This session is for students and new addiction science professionals and will bring together a panel of experts who will cover working in the substance use disorder field, forming student organizations, and getting research published in reputable journals.
Você tem ouvido falar da ISSUP desde 2016, durante o 4º Congresso Internacional Freemind, que aconteceu na cidade de Campinas/SP.