
Are you a professional working in drug demand reduction? Would you like to gain experience in the field or advance through continuing education? The Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Programme (CPDAP), with funding from the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL), is supporting a Fellowship Program with the goal of expanding professionals in the field of drug demand reduction globally.
We are pleased to announce that the UTC 6 Self Led course is now live and available on the ISSUP Professional Development hub.
On Wednesday, February 16, 2022, a recording session for a show on the phenomenon of drug use was held in the meeting room (2nd floor of CIPLEV) of the Ministry of Security and Civil Protection Annex (Adidogomé).
Este lunes 14 de marzo, a las 20:00 hrs. se realizará la reunión académica del Grupo de Trabajo de Adicciones de Sonepsyn, junto a ISSUP-Chile.
“Drugs are bad, you must not indulge in drugs and other illicit substances.” These were the words of Alasana Drammeh, the Executive Director of ISSUP Gambia while addressing a group of students at the Glory Baptist International School on Tuesday March 1st, 2022. Drammeh made the remarks at a workshop organized for about 50 teenage students as part of ISSUP Gambia’s program to sensitize school children on crucial preventive strategies to help them stay away from drugs.
The deadline for ISSUP members wishing to sit International Certified Addiction Professional (ICAP) exams at the ISSUP 2022 Conference in Abu Dhabi has been extended to 15 March, 2022.
Join the NIHR Applied Research Collaboration (ARC) North Thames on March 31 at 1 - 3pm CET to explore and discuss insights into the barriers of implementing evidence and how innovation in social care can be supported by research and collaboration. 
The other day I had a conversation with a colleague over engagement of former drug users in
On Wednesday, February 09, 2022, a meeting between Comite National Anti-Drogue (CNAD) and community leaders of the anti-drug coalition was held at the new premises of the MSPC Annexe located in Adidogomé.
INEP-PLUS là một khóa học trực tuyến, giới thiệu các nguyên tắc chính của Phòng chống Sử dụng Chất dựa trên Bằng chứng.