Mental Health

The relationship between mental health disorders and substance use and integrated approaches. . 

Seek quality treatment for substance use disorders

This fact sheet can be used as a guide for people seeking mental health treatment. It offers three steps to carry out before using a treatment center, as well as the five signs of a treatment center of quality, which includes reviewing the...

Mental Health Atlas 2017

6 June 2018 – WHO's Mental Health Atlas 2017 reveals that although some countries have made progress in mental health policy-making and planning, there is a global shortage of health workers trained in mental health and a lack of investment...

CADCA’s 17th Annual Mid-Year Training

Event Date
United States

Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) will host their 17th Annual mid-year training event on July 15th-19 2019 in Orlando, Florida.

CADCA’s 17th Annual Mid-Year Training logo

Crime, Fear, and Mental Health in Mexico

Scientific article
Abstract This article examines the effect of exposure to criminal violence on fear of crime and mental health in Mexico, a country that has experienced a dramatic rise in violent events resulting from the operation of drug trafficking...

National Prevention Week 2018

National Prevention week led by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration (SAMHSA) will take place from 13-19th May 2018. Each day focus will fall on a different topic - starting off with the theme of "Promotion of Mental Health...
National Prevention Week 2018