Mental Health

The relationship between mental health disorders and substance use and integrated approaches. . 

Mental Health Professionals’ Views on Smoke-Free Policy

Scientific article
The prevalence of smoking within the general population is in decline. However, the number of people with mental health issues who smoke remains high. A recent study has examined mental health care practitioners approach to addressing...

Dispelling Myths about Smoking, Mental Health/Substance Use Disorders and Recovery

Event Date

Adults with mental illness, including substance use disorder (SUD,) are at risk of dying 25 years earlier than the general population. The major contributor to this premature mortality is smoking-related disease. While cigarette smoking has trended downward in recent years, it is still highly prevalent in adults with mental health and/or substance use disorder (MH/SUD). 

Addiction Journal Podcast - February 2019

The Journal of Addiction has released its latest podcast which summarises the contents of the journal's February edition. The podcast includes a selection of interviews with the authors of the studies included in this month's journal.