Mental Health

The relationship between mental health disorders and substance use and integrated approaches. . 

Webinar: Mental Health & COVID-19 Research

Event Date

The Lancet Psychiatry, Mental Health Innovation Network, and United for Global Mental Health are launching a series of weekly webinars designed to provide policymakers and the wider health community with the latest evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and how to address it.

This webinar will address Mental Health & COVID-19 Research.

Webinar: Mental Health & COVID-19 Latest Knowledge

Event Date

The Lancet Psychiatry, Mental Health Innovation Network, and United for Global Mental Health are launching a series of weekly webinars designed to provide policymakers and the wider health community with the latest evidence on the impact of COVID-19 on mental health and how to address it.

The first in the series is Mental Health & COVID-19 Latest Knowledge.

The Self-Care Matrix: A Unifying Framework for Self-Care

Scientific article
We are seeing a global rise in long-term noncommunicable diseases, linked with our inability to protect our own wellbeing. The World Health Organization defines self-care as: "the ability of individuals, families and communities to promote...

Mental Health, Substance Use & Brain Chemistry

Many people who develop substance use disorders have mental health conditions, and, likewise, many individuals who suffer from mental health issues also use substances in a harmful manner. The relationship between mental health and...

Early Childhood Mental Health

As people develop through childhood, adolescents and into adulthood there are continuous opportunities to lay the foundations of sound mental health. Disruptions during this trajectory can have a lasting impact on the way a person develops...

Practical Recommendations in the Treatment of Eating Disorders

Event Date

This presentation will discuss strategies for effectively assessing, conceptualizing, and treating co-morbid eating disorders and substance use disorders. The presentation will begin with a brief review of quantitative and qualitative assessment strategies, followed by a short discussion around case conceptualization.