Public health

The intersection of substance use with broader public health concerns. 

Problematic opioid use in Ireland, 2015–2019

In this report, the Health Research Board presents the results of a study that aimed to estimate the prevalence of problematic opioid use in Ireland from 2015 to 2019 using a four-source capture-recapture method. Key Findings: In total...

General Principles of Contingency Management for Smoking Cessation

Scientific article
Contingency management (CM) is a psychological treatment based on operant conditioning. It consists of providing incentives in exchange for achieving a target behaviour such as abstinence or other treatmentrelated variables (e.g. session...

Grief: Helping Someone Else in the Aftermath of Loss

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
In the wake of loss, it can be hard to take care of those you care about who are grieving. As with self-care, there are many possible ways to offer support to someone who is grieving, and a variety of factors that affect how you can offer...