
SPR 2020 Call for Papers Now Open!

This year's conference theme, Why Context Matters: Towards a Place-Based Prevention Science, challenges prevention scientists to explicitly recognize the central role that geographical concepts such as location, distance, distribution...

Call for Abstracts - NIDA International SPR Poster Session

The International Program and the Division of Epidemiology, Services and Prevention Research of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) will host the 13th Annual NIDA International SPR Poster Session at the SPR 28th Annual Meeting in...

The Drug Policy Metrics Map

The CDPE has conducted an international cross-comparison of illegal drug policies to create an online tool – the Drug Policy Metrics Map. The map demonstrates the alignment and gaps between the metrics that countries use to assess the...

Webinar: Alcohol, MDMA and Cannabis Use: Impact on the Adolescent Brain

Event Date


This webinar is for teachers, school staff, parents and others who are interested in understanding the effect of drugs on the adolescent brain. It will explore the development of adolescent brain and how this process is interrupted by the use of alcohol, MDMA and cannabis.

Liver Cancer Summit 2020

Event Date

The program will feature state of the art lectures on updated key aspects of HCC and CCA by renowned experts and rising stars covering a broad spectrum of topics.

Panel discussion with experts will open a discussion on the new directions and avenues for research and clinical practice.