
Prioritising Action on Alcohol for Health and Development

Scientific article
Globally, alcohol consumption is estimated to cause more than 10% of the burden of noncommunicable diseases, including cirrhosis of the liver, respiratory disease, pancreatitis, cancers (oral and pharynx, larynx, oesophagus, liver...

ICUDDR Publishing Workshop

Event Date
Online workshop

Do you have research you would like published in an English language journal but need some help getting it prepared?  Our writing collaborative facilitated by journal editor Richard Pates could be just what you need to get it done!

Post Event Resources: 2019 NDARC Annual Research Symposium

Video and audio recordings
The 2019 National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre (NDARC) Annual Research Symposium was held on Wednesday, 16 October 2019 at the John Niland Scientia Conference and Events Centre, UNSW Sydney. NDARC have put together a selection of videos...

Seizures of Illegal Diazepam Tablets Double in a Year

Diazepam, first marketed as Valium, is a medicine of the benzodiazepine family. It is often used to treat anxiety, spasms, seizures and occasionally withdrawal. Diazepam typically slows down the functioning of the body and produce a calming...

EU Drug Markets Report 2019

The EU Drug Markets Report 2019 is the third comprehensive overview of illicit drug markets in the European Union by the EMCDDA and Europol. The analysis presented in the report examines topics such as the links between drugs and other...

Men and Alcohol: Seminar Series IV

Event Date
United Kingdom

Men & Alcohol: what's next? This is the fourth and final event in the 'Men & Alcohol' seminar series co-hosted by SHAAP and the Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS). An expert panel will discuss the following questions:

  • How will men be affected by alcohol in the future?
  • How can alcohol-related harms to men be prevented or reduced?

Men, Alcohol & Health: Seminar Series III

Event Date
United Kingdom

This is the third of a four-part seminar series co-hosted by SHAAP and IAS (Institute of Alcohol Studies) to discuss issues relating to men and alcohol. At this session, three invited experts will discuss the following questions: 

  • What role does alcohol play in men’s mental health?

  • How is men’s physical health affected by alcohol?

SSA Annual Conference 2019 Posters

The Society for the Study of Addiction has uploaded the posters that researchers and students presented at the SSA Annual Conference 2019. Poster categories: Research, service evaluation and audit Student-led Research

Webinar: Identifying and Mitigating Liability Risks for Excessive Gambling Behaviour

Event Date

This webinar will provide an overview of casinos’ potential liability in negligence for contributing to the risk of excessive gambling, with comparisons to the well-established liability of licensed alcohol providers.

Risk factors include game design, loyalty programs, and an absence of harm-limiting mechanisms.