
Mindfulness for Chronic Pain and Prescription Opioid Misuse

Scientific article
Opioid medication for chronic pain can be an effective treatment. Most patients take the medication as prescribed, however some individuals can become addicted to the drug, leading to opioid misuse. Prescription opioid misuse is a...

Field Guide to Drug Demand Reduction Program Development, 3rd ed.

The Field Guide to Drug Demand Reduction (DDR) Program Development is an annual publication by the U.S. Department of State primarily for its Embassy personnel abroad to guide in the development of substance use prevention and treatment...

Society for Prevention Research - 27th Annual Meeting

Event Date
San Francisco

The Society for Prevention Research’s 27th annual meeting will be held May 28 – May 31, 2018, in San Francisco.

The theme for the event is  “Prevention Science in a Big Data World”. It is hoped that the event will open up a discussion about ways in which the prevention science community can make use of data and innovative technologies to develop new opportunities in prevention research. 

Dying for a Drink

Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) has published its latest report, ‘Dying for a drink’. Scottish people tend to consume more alcohol than people in England and Wales. Alcohol is a harmful substance and, consumed in excess...