
A Protocol for a Tobacco Free Detox Unit

Event Date

Though it has become mandatory for public health facilities to become smoke-free it has been difficult to implement this policy in particular in detox, drug and alcohol units and mental health units.

Particularly complex in-patients in detox units have smoking patients objecting to a smoke free environment, commonly flout regulations, become argumentative and often self-discharge. 

Information for Teachers

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
In classrooms across the UK 1 in 5 children are carrying the burden of someone else’s drinking. The National Association for Children of Alcoholics have developed a new resource to help teachers identify children affected by their parent's...

Smoking During Pregnancy , Stigma and Secrets

Scientific article
There is significant evidence to suggest that smoking while pregnant is harmful to the baby increases the risk of miscarriage, and premature birth. The Statistics on smoking, England: 2018 compendium report shows that in 2017-18, 10.8% of...

Alcohol-Induced End Organ Diseases

Event Date
United States

The 2019 Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Alcohol-Induced End Organ Diseases "Inflammation and Cell Death: Mechanisms of Tissue Injury by Alcohol" will provide a unique forum to bring together a diverse range of young and established scientists who are studying alcohol-related organ damage.

National Cannabis Survey, fourth quarter 2019

Statistics Canada has been conducting the National Cannabis Survey every three months since February 2018. The main objective of the NCS is to monitor changes in cannabis-related behaviours during the period preceding and following...