
EDPQS Toolkit 4: Adaptation and Dissemination

The European Drug Prevention Quality Standards have been established to provide a comprehensive set of criteria to help users learn how to recognise 'high quality' prevention activities, outline the necessary structurally and procedural...

EDPQS Toolkit 3: Training

The European Drug Prevention Quality Standards have been established to provide a comprehensive set of criteria to help users learn how to recognise 'high quality' prevention activities, outline the necessary structurally and procedural...

EDPQS Toolkit 2: Self-Assessment & Reflection

The European Drug Prevention Quality Standards have been established to provide a comprehensive set of criteria to help users learn how to recognise 'high quality' prevention activities, outline the necessary structurally and procedural...

EDPQS Toolkit 1: Funding & Decision-Making

The European Drug Prevention Quality Standards have been established to provide a comprehensive set of criteria to help users learn how to recognise 'high quality' prevention activities, outline the necessary structurally and procedural...

SPR 2020 Call for Papers Now Open!

This year's conference theme, Why Context Matters: Towards a Place-Based Prevention Science, challenges prevention scientists to explicitly recognize the central role that geographical concepts such as location, distance, distribution...

Public Health 2020

Event Date

Public Health 2020 is the national conference where public health professionals, researchers, policy-makers, academics, students and trainees come together to strengthen efforts to improve health and well-being, to share the latest research and information, to promote best practices and to advocate for public health issues and policies grounded in research.