Registration opens for European Drugs Winter and Summer Schools 2023
Mental Health and Substance Use: Reading List
International Symposium on Drug-Related Studies 2022 Sri Lanka (In-person/ Online)
The National Dangerous Drugs Control Board have proudly planned to conduct an International Symposium on Drug-Related Studies 2022 will be held from 1st and 2nd December 2022 in Colombo, Sri Lanka to facilitate the exchange of information among professionals in the fields of medical, scientific, law, justice, social sciences, education,
Global trends in opioid medicine availability
Effectiveness of the ‘Strengthening Families Programme 10-14’ in the UK at preventing substance misuse in 10–14 year- olds
The Strengthening Families Programme 10–14 (SFP10-14) is a USA-developed universal group-based intervention which aims to prevent substance misuse by strengthening protective factors within the family.
Women, men and alcohol: Why is gender important in alcohol control policies?
This webinar will raise awareness of the importance of gender when addressing alcohol-related harms, present current research evidence and share examples of how communities are addressing these issues.
Key questions to be addressed include:
what evidence do we have about whether gender impacts policies which seek to address alcohol availability, affordability and acceptability?