Alcohol and NCDs – Harm and Solutions: Factsheet
Contemporary Asian Drug Policy: Insights and Opportunities for Change
Gender and Alcohol Infographics
Alcohol Services: Responding to Diversity
The Drug and Alcohol Research Centre conference will take place at Middlesex University on Friday 14th June. This year we are looking at the needs of diverse communities for alcohol (and other substances) service provision.
Online Survey: What do you think about cannabis policy?
The Society for the Study of Addiction Professorship
Public Health England Annual Conference 2019
Public Health England looks forward to welcoming around 1500 participants to the Public Health England Annual Conference 2019, representing the wide range of organisations working together to improve the health of the public.
The Fifth Annual Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health
The 5th International Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health (LEPH2019) is an event that will explore the complex and diverse intersections of law enforcement and public health.
The event is set to take place in Edinburgh, Scotland on the 21st-23rd October and will present a Conference Program that will address three main areas: