
Alcohol and NCDs – Harm and Solutions: Factsheet

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
IOGT International has released a new factsheet to illustrate how alcohol fuels the global NCDs tsunami – based on the latest scientific evidence – and to outline cost-effective solutions for change.

Gender and Alcohol Infographics

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
Based on recent research, Glasgow Caledonian University, Strathclyde University, SHAAP and Glasgow Centre for Population Health, have produced infographics to tackle stereotypes about men, women and drinking in Scotland.

Alcohol Services: Responding to Diversity

Event Date
United Kingdom

The Drug and Alcohol Research Centre conference will take place at Middlesex University on Friday 14th June. This year we are looking at the needs of diverse communities for alcohol (and other substances) service provision.

Online Survey: What do you think about cannabis policy?

This study investigates what members of the public think about issues related to cannabis policy, including things like legalisation and decriminalisation. Anyone can take part as long as they live in the UK and are aged over the age of 18.

The Society for the Study of Addiction Professorship

The Society’s key goals are to promote effective policy and practice and to support the development of stronger addiction science. Through its Academic Fellowship scheme, launched in 2012, the Society is enabling high-calibre early and mid...

Involving Service Users in Mental Health Policy Making

Scientific article
There has been increasing support for the engagement of people who use mental services in the process of policy improvement. It would seem to make sense that those most directly affected by policy responses should have their views...