
Why is Adolescent Drinking Declining?

Scientific article
There has been a notable decline in adolescent drinking in developed nations over the past two decades. Understanding the reasons behind this positive downward trend will help professionals support the continuation of this decline into the...

Implementing the European Action Plan on Alcohol

Despite efforts to reduce concerning levels of alcohol consumption in Europe through adopting the WHO European Action Plan on Alcohol (EAPA), the region continues to have the highest prevalence of drinkers, heavy episodic drinking, alcohol...

Dubai Loosens Laws as UAE Alcohol Sales Fall

The tourist industry is vital to Dubai. However, recently there has been a widening economic downturn affecting the country. The UAE dominates other countries around the Middle East when it comes to drinking, with per capita alcohol...

Alcohol Policy in Uganda

Harmful alcohol consumption remains a critical public health concern in Uganda. Despite efforts by the government to introduce policies that will improve the situation, alcohol companies are finding new ways to advertise and sell their...

Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting

Event Date
Washington, DC
United States

The Society for Prevention Research (SPR) 28th Annual Meeting will be held in Washington, DC, May 26 – May 29, 2020.

The theme for this year's event is “Why Context Matters: Towards a Place-Based Prevention Science.”

European Drugs Summer School

Event Date

The 2020 edition of the 'Summer school on illicit drugs Europe' will take place from 29 June-10 July 2020.