United Nation Commission on Narcotic Drugs
The Sixty-third United Nation Commission on Narcotic Drugs session will take place in Vienna, Austria, 2-6 March 2020.
The event involves the policy making body of the United Nations with the prime responsibility in drug related matters.
Making Progress in the Fight Against Tobacco
ASAP-Training Newsletter
Seizures of Illegal Diazepam Tablets Double in a Year
How Alcohol Affects the Sustainable Development Goals: Upgraded and Revised Resource
EU Drug Markets Report 2019
Men and Alcohol: Seminar Series IV
Men & Alcohol: what's next? This is the fourth and final event in the 'Men & Alcohol' seminar series co-hosted by SHAAP and the Institute of Alcohol Studies (IAS). An expert panel will discuss the following questions:
- How will men be affected by alcohol in the future?
How can alcohol-related harms to men be prevented or reduced?
Men, Alcohol & Health: Seminar Series III
This is the third of a four-part seminar series co-hosted by SHAAP and IAS (Institute of Alcohol Studies) to discuss issues relating to men and alcohol. At this session, three invited experts will discuss the following questions:
What role does alcohol play in men’s mental health?
How is men’s physical health affected by alcohol?