
African Civil Society Common Position on Drugs

Building on developments at the international level – including the March 2019 Ministerial Declaration on strengthening actions for the world drug problem and the recently adopted African Union Plan of Action on Drug Control – please find...

GTNF 2020

Event Date

GTNF 2020 VIRTUAL: Bringing the global conversation to you

The world’s leading annual forum discussing the future of the tobacco and nicotine industries is going virtual this September for the first time in its 13-year history. Take part in four days of stimulating debates on shaping the industries’ futures with delegates from all over the world.

Unite Global Summit

Event Date

The UNITE Global Summit: Virtual 2020 aims to commit, inspire, and empower policymakers towards the achievement of the UN SDGs over the next decade, while building a roadmap on clear policy actions to eliminate the threat posed by communicable diseases. This alignment of a common vision will culminate in the signing of UNITE’s 2020 Declaration.

Australian National Alcohol Strategy 2019-2028

The Australian Government has released a new strategy to address alcohol-related harms in Australian communities. These harms include violence, disease, injuries, road deaths and an estimated 4,000 alcohol-attributable deaths per year1. The...

Men and Alcohol: Final Report Launch

Event Date

SHAAP and IAS are delighted to announce that we will be launching the final report of our Men & Alcohol seminar series on 9th September from 2-4 pm BST

COVID-19- Alcohol and Tobacco Policies in Africa

As the COVID-19 pandemic swept through the world, governments made crucial decisions in order to reduce the strain on health services experiencing extreme pressure. One way that some governments chose to reduce this pressure, was to...

Beer Drinking and Tax Levy in Botswana

Scientific article
According to the WHO, harmful alcohol use is one of the leading risk factors for the global burden of disease. In response to concerning trends, governments around the world have intervened in the market for alcohol by levying specific...