US-MX Border Rural Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Response: Lessons learned in program planning and implementation
Presentation of the UNODC Strategy 2021-25
UNODC has recently launched its new five-year strategy, covering 2021-25. Recognizing that a key to successful implementation of this Strategy will be the expanded use of partnerships with a broad range of stakeholders, the online meeting on February 25th will provide a briefing to Civil Society partners.
Alcohol and COVID-19 in SA: An Endless Cycle of Liquor Sales Bans Being Imposed and Lifted, or Catalyst for Meaningful Action?
The SAMRC Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drug Research Unit is now in its 20th year of existence. With about 20+ core staff based in Cape Town and Pretoria the focus is on a broad range of research focusing on the nature and extent of substance use in South Africa, associated consequences and the multifaced interventions aimed at addressing substance use.
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
The power of virtual communities for real-life change: digital technologies to reach SDG 3.5 and to promote well-being
The 59th session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD59) will take place from February 8 to 17 in 2021.
The priority theme is “Socially just transition towards sustainable development: the role of digital technologies on social development and well-being of all.”
Language matters: Contemporary discursive constructions of alcohol use.
Wednesday 17th February 2020, 1-2pm
The Impact of Sport and Sport-based Interventions in Preventing Youth Violence, Crime and Drug Use
Responding to drugs and homelessness: innovative approaches in Europe
Objective: To explore innovative programmes providing solutions in the field of homelessness and drugs.