Supply control

Reducing the availability of illegal substances through law enforcement and regulation. 

Report: Mixing Alcohol with Energy Drinks

VicHealth has released a report summarising a recent investigation into Australia’s consumption of alcohol mixed with energy drinks and its harmful consequences. The key findings include: Young people in metropolitan areas drink alcohol and...
Mixing Alcohol with Energy Drinks

European Drugs Summer School

Event Date

The 2017 'Summer School on Illicit Drugs Europe' will take place from 26 June to 7 July 2017. The summer school will focus on the drugs problem in Europe and beyond involving scientific experts from the EMCDDA and guest lecturers from European universities.

Fentanyl Deaths Rise as Curbing Supply Proves Difficult

The November 2016 data chart of overdoses in Massachusetts shows a climbing blue line labeled “fentanyl”. Boston's National Public Radio station reports via article and audio clip on some of the challenges faced by law enforcement and...
Overdose Fentanyl

75% of Teens See E-Cigarettes as a Safer Alternative to Tobacco

Scientific article
Almost 3 out of 4 teenagers in the United States think that e-cigarettes are less harmful or addictive than smoking tobacco, a new study has found. The researchers also found that increases in the perceived safety of what has become known...

Scottish Courts Rule in Favour of Minimum Price for Alcohol

After more than four years of industry delay tactics, yesterday’s ruling from the Court of Session in Edinburgh has finally paved the way for the introduction of a minimum price for alcohol in Scotland, a policy approved by MSPs back in...

Marijuana and Maternity: What Are the Effects?

Scientific article
Four US states currently allow recreational marijuana use and twenty-four allow medical marijuana. However, little research has been carried out to uncover the drug’s effect on the development of human embryos if smoked or consumed in...

USA and Europe: Drug Use Compared

This month saw the release of the findings from the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD). The publication shows the country-by-country results for the use of various legal and illegal drugs. Thirty-five European...
ESPAD Report