
Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders. 

Resources for Addiction Treatment Providers

Leaflet, Infographic, Fact sheet, Poster
It is not always straight forward to find information and reliable resources on telehealth, state policies on OTP operation during this crisis, and insurance guidance. To support treatment provides, Shatterproof has gathered a list of...


The developmental stage of adolescence involves dramatic biologic, psychological, and behavioural changes. It is a time where young people start to explore, seek further independence and experiment with new experiences. It is also a time...

Practical Recommendations in the Treatment of Eating Disorders

Event Date

This presentation will discuss strategies for effectively assessing, conceptualizing, and treating co-morbid eating disorders and substance use disorders. The presentation will begin with a brief review of quantitative and qualitative assessment strategies, followed by a short discussion around case conceptualization.