
Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders. 

Alternatives to Imprisonment for Drug Users

ISSUP Webinar
ISSUP India, in collaboration with ISSUP, organized a webinar on alternatives to incarceration for persons with substance use disorders and opportunities for interventions along the justice system.

Alternatives to Imprisonment for Drug Users

Event Date
New Delhi
ISSUP India, in collaboration with ISSUP, is organizing a webinar on alternatives to incarceration for persons with substance use disorders and opportunities for interventions along the justice system.
Alternatives to incarceration India

Using Nutrition to Promote Addiction Recovery

In this article Khary Rigg, Ph.D and Kelly Miller, NTMC introduce us to the importance of nutrition in addiction recovery and highlight some practical, evidence-based actions to consider when advocating for nutritional interventions in recovery care.

Nutrition in Addiction Recovery: Reading List

Reading List
It is not uncommon for individuals with substance use disorder (SUD) to experience conditions which make healthy eating and proper nutrition more challenging.
ISSUP Nutrition Khary Rigg Kelly Miller Addiction Recovery Nutrients Health

10th International Conference on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

Event Date

COPD congress 2021 is a platform where you can meet experts and specialists all around the world. It’s a great opportunity to join a gathering of speaker’s discussion, delegates, young research talk, exhibitors, oral/ poster presentations, networking and additional advantages.