
Applying interventions designed to reduce and manage the symptoms of substance use disorders. 

Supporting Young People who Hear Voices & Use Drugs or Alcohol

Event Date
United Kingdom

There has been increasing awareness of the relationship between drugs and hearing voices in young people, but much less is said about what it might be like for a young person who uses drugs and hears voices, and even less about ways to support a young person in this situation.

Treatment of Cannabis-related Problems in the Nordic Countries

After alcohol, cannabis is the second most common intoxicant in the Nordics. In Denmark cannabis is by far the principle issue among newcomers to drug treatment, in Iceland, more than one-third of all addiction patients have cannabis as a...

17th EFTC Conference 2019

Event Date

The European Federation of Therapeutic Communities (EFTC) Conference aims to provide to member organizations and colleagues from all disciplines of drug