
Reducing the risk factors and enhancing the protective factors associated with initiating substance use. 

11th EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting

Event Date

The EUSPR Board has decided to move its Eleventh Conference and Members’ Meeting and Workshops to an online event. The face to face event scheduled October 7th -9th 2020 in Lisbon, Portugal is cancelled.

8th Annual Drug Prevention Summit

Join together with drug prevention professionals from across the U.S. at our 8th Annual Drug Prevention Summit on February 17th and 18th, in Tampa, Florida. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to hear from many influential leaders...

Prevention Plus Wellness Youth and Teacher Resources

Prevention Plus Wellness (PPW) provides easy to use evidence-informed resources to help prevention and health specialists and parents prevent youth and young adult alcohol, cannabis, tobacco, e-cigarette, and opioid use while promoting...

Harm to Others from Drinking: Patterns in Nine Societies

The adverse impact of alcohol consumption include the negative consequences of drinking on individuals other than the drinkers themselves, including both health and social problems. Alcohol’s harm to others (HTO) is an interactional...

Prevention of Substance Use

This volume provides a serious examination of substance use prevention research and practices as components of the continuum from health promotion through to prevention and health care in sub-groups and in the general population. Extensive...