
Reducing the risk factors and enhancing the protective factors associated with initiating substance use. 

Primary Prevention in a Post-Covid World

Video and audio recordings
Webinar recording: Pall Rikhardsson, Service Development Manager, ICSRA; Emmet Major, Community Liaison, Western Region Drug and Alcohol Task Force, Ireland; Samantha Menezes: Program Quality and Practice Lead - Local Drug Action Team...

Nicotine and the Developing Brain: A FENS-sponsored SRNT-E Mini-conference

Event Date

During adolescence, the brain regions such as prefrontal cortex necessary for cognitive and executive function, working memory, motivated behaviour and emotional regulation are being reorganized. Cholinergic system and cholinergic nicotinic receptors are important role players in this maturation process of the brain from adolescence to adulthood.

GISA to Commence Online UPC Training in Nigeria

Global Initiative on Substance Abuse (GISA) will on July 20th, 2020 commence online dissemination of the Universal Prevention Curriculum for substance use disorders in Nigeria. More!

Video: Drug Prevention: Challenges and Experiences in Times of Pandemic

ISSUP Webinar
The Addiction Unit of the University Psychiatric Clinic, belonging to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile and the Clinical Hospital of the University of Chile presented a seminar on prevention of drug use: challenges and experiences in times of pandemic.

Alcohol, MDMA and cannabis use: Impact on the adolescent brain

Video and audio recordings
This webinar is for teachers, school staff, parents and others who are interested in understanding the effect of drugs on adolescent brain. It explores the development of adolescent brain and how this process is interrupted by the use of...